Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pyramid Business

I have always heard of pyramid type of business and schemes. I actually went to one interview to get a job at one because some college friend was recruiting me. I went to this establishment and as soon as I got there, the room I was interviewed in was small and had crooked paintings.  This made me feel suspicious of why the place looked like trash. I know to dress up to an interview, but what about the interviewer aka CEO of the company should be dressed as well. If I was more dressed up than him, then why do I need his company to make me money is what I though. I don't recommend working in a place where the only thing the boss tells your is about money. I don't even remember what product or the reason why or how we could make money.  Other than the reason to charge somone $500 and I make money off their referral.

The following are some pyramid companies-

My brother worked at Cutco as a door to door salesmen and actually convinced my family to buy some. Their knives are really sharp and seem to last forever, definitively better than the cheap ones.  They also bought this scissor that can virtually cut a penny.  It takes a considerable amount of energy, but it actually did. I should cut another one and post it online.  It looks like they sell everything from tableware to garden ware. BUY A MORE EXPENSIVE KNIFE at sears.

Nuskin- I know the bar soap is super natural and works well for your face. I heard unlike proactive that just burns everyone's face off.  Do people even know whats in their shampoo and soap now a days. Do people notice the burning sensation or just think that's the mint working in your face making it clean? (It's not, it may be your reaction to the acid and animal urine they put in your soap.)

Visalus is a company that sells power bars, shakes and numerous health products. I have just been introduced to this company recently and it seems to be the normal pyramid format.  One important thing i could not find on their website is nutritional information. I do believe in power bars and shakes that could be healthy for you as a substitute for the high calorie fast food combos.  It's just that if you have time to make an all natural shake, your body will absorb much more nutrients from something that resembles the shape of what the fruit or vegetable used to be.  Although, if you have an aging grandmother tucked away in the mountains snowed in a couple months of the year, it may be hard for her to get up and make a smoothie.  Let alone go to the grocery store when her drive way is all snowed in.  That's not a problem in California but in most other parts of the United States and surely all of Canada may have that problem.  So why not just let Granny pour some powder high nutrients into a cup and stir like a cup of tea or coffee. I always welcome power bars because sometimes you just crazy food while driving home from work or errands.  Everyone knows rather to wait and binge on a meal when you catch your self some food, its much better for your metabolism (belly fat) to eat small snacks so you don't over eat when you do catch that hot pockets out of your freezer.

Monavie comes in what looks like to be a dark wine bottle 1.5ml. This usually is $15 bottle and you are suppose to drink a shot or so a day to stay healthy. I admit this is really tasty and really healthy tasting, but it does add up very quick when you share it with an entire household. I know someone (not I), that has $1500 on their credit card still from this health drink. If you ask me I would rather go with Visalus or Jamba juice where I get more for my money's worth. It's a commodity that wealthy people can drink and enjoy. Also they are destroying the rain forest to plant these Acai trees, whats up with that? EAT A BLUE BERRY!

In conclusion, I see how some of these interesting companies can be perfectly legit and can make you some money.  The money part comes from your hard work and hard earned money pitching your sales pitch to every thing that moves and has green money in their pockets or bank accounts.  Probably the most important thing of sales is in believing the product you are selling.  Most likely your already using the product and would like to get the discount as a seller of the product. That could be your start in the foothold of the business.(Please comment if you know more on these topics, or if I am wrong about something)

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